Alternative Going to a show at any of the Gas Monkey venue's is always a thrill and my personal favorite. Entering Gas Monkey Bar N' Grill, I saw the stage being set up for the first act, Plain White T's, which was hella surreal. Never did I think 15 years ago as I was listening to their first time hit, "Hey There Delilah", that I would be shooting live for them. As they begin their performance, the crowd eventually starts to sing along. "Hey There Delilah" was great, but hearing their newest release, "Bury Me" off their album Parallel Universe was spine chilling. Tom Higgenson (lead singer) once again had me and the crowd swoon with hopeful thoughts and love. This band has come so far soulfully, Parallel Universe still has a bit of the younger PWT's sounds mixed with an older and current touch. Definitely worth listening to. <3 When I first encountered New Politics I already new this trio was T R O U B L E. "Everywhere I Go", is the epitome of every young adult anxiety that we've experienced. Sometimes you gotta give life the middle finger and continue forward and New Politics stand up for that! Lead singer, David Boyd really knows how to rile up the crowd, from jumping in, to performing hand stands, the band puts on one hyped up performance. Did I mention Soren Hansen, lead guitarist, is freaking C R A Z Y on the strings?! Currently off their new album, An Invitation to an Alternate Reality, I can really connect with "Suspension." Why you must ask? Well you're just going to have to listen and find out. #SagittariusFeels Headlining, The Mowgli's take stage and automatically I am ready to take over the world. There is nothing but G O O D V I B E S about this band from Los Angeles, California. Their greatest hits, "I'm Good" and "San Francisco" really emphasize about actually taking a step back from our non stop thoughts & life and really appreciating the moments that are happening now. "Do you feel the love? I feel the love, c'mon c'mon, lets start it up, let it pour out of your soul." (San Francisco) You guys, I can not emphasize enough how much fun these concerts are. Shoes, bags, cars, these are things that last us a couple of years or so. But the amount of friends and memories I have created at concerts are worth a lifetime. I hope you decide to join me at the next show!
About the AuthorLeaving a mark with everyone I meet with my favorite songs! Archives
February 2020